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The success of any children's home is determined by those willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and resources towards one main goal - to love God's children. In order to make that happen, we need people that physically GO to our children's home.  We need volunteers to travel to Latin America to share the love of Christ with our kids. 

SEND IT  is our short-term missions program. 

SEND is an action word that summarizes our purpose as a missions organization: TO GO. It also serves as an encouraging reminder that in everything we do, we give it our all. Whether it's pouring concrete for a new children's dorm or arts and crafts time with the kids, we implement projects that will make a big impact.

We partner with churches and teams to travel to Latin America to work on a specific needs at the children's home. These are short-term trips (typically 5-15 days in length) that  provide long-term solutions. We offer several missions trip opportunities for all age ranges and skill sets.

1. construction

Our orphanages are constantly in a state of improvement and growth, so we will always have the need for construction missions trips. These trips would include skill sets such as welding, carpentry, masonry, laying tile, roofing, hanging dry wall, electrical, and painting. We work alongside with local contractors that provide local experience and best common practices. 

girl in blue jacket holding red and silv

2. Medical

Professionals in the medical field would provide on-site care to our kids and to the local community. These trips are a great way to gain practical experience, work on your medical skills, teach abroad, and make a major medical difference in our children.

3. EDUCATION & childcare

Teaching and childcare are obviously important to any children's home.  The trips would look to provide VBS-style ministry for our kids through stories, puppets, games, and fun. Teaching could involve anything from Bible, English, or Music. 


4. Youth & teen

A short-term mission trip can be a major source of faith development for young people. There are countless stories of missionaries who were called full-time to the mission field after a trip as a teenager. Youth teams that are just a bit older than our kids can provide excitement and encouragement in our home. 

Ready to represent?

If you are a part of a team or church and would like to get involved, let us know today!

Check out these sweet action shots of teams REPPIN' IT in Latin America.

MARK 16:15 | NLT

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